
Hsin-Chou Yang
Institute of
Statistical Science, Academia Sinica
Taipei 11529, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: +886-27875686
FAX: +886-2-27886833
E-mail: hsinchou@stat.sinica.edu.tw
Recent Research Achievements (中文, English)
Research Interests (PDF1, PDF2, PDF3)
sciences for the multi-omics and precision & smart health studies
1990 - 1994
B.S., Department of Statistics,
National Cheng Kung University
1994 - 1996
M.S., Graduate Institute of
Statistics, National Cheng Kung University
1996 - 2002
Ph.D., Institute of Statistics,
National Tsing Hua University
Professional Experience
2002.10 - 2004.06
Postdoctoral Fellow of National
Science Council @ Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica [In
military service]
2004.07 - 2006.06
Postdoctoral Fellow of Academia Sinica
@ Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica [In military service]
2006.07 - 2011.03
Assistant Research Fellow @ Institute
of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica
2011.03 - 2018.01
Associate Research Fellow @ Institute
of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica
2018.01 - Present
Research Fellow @ Institute of
Statistical Science, Academia Sinica
Publications (CA Correspondence
author; EC Equal contribution)
Journal Papers
Huggins, R. M.CA,
Yang, H.-C., Chao, A. and Yip,
P. S. F. (2003/05). Population size estimation using local sample coverage
for open populations. Journal of Statistical
Planning and Inference 113, 699-714. [SCI]
Yang, H.-C.
and Huggins, R. M.CA (2003/06). The estimation of the size
of an open population using local estimating equations. Statistica Sinica 13, 673-689. [SCI]
Yang, H.-C.,
Huggins, R. M.CA and Clark,
A. (2003/06). Estimation of the size of an open population using local
estimating equations II: A semi-parametric approach. Biometrics 59, 365-374. [SCI]
Lin, Y. M. J., Yang,
H.-C., Lai, T. J., Fann, C. S. J.
and Sun, H. S.CA (2003/10). Receptor mediated effect
of serotonergic transmission in patients with bipolar affective disorder. Journal of Medical Genetics 40,
781-786. [SCI]
Yang, H.-C., Pan C.-C., Lu, R. C. Y. and Fann, C. S. J.CA (2005/01). New
adjustment factors and sample size calculation in a DNA-pooling experiment
with preferential amplification. Genetics 169,
399-410. [SCI]
Yang, H.-C., Chambers, L. and Huggins, R. M.CA
(2005/04). A seasonal decomposition of the estimated size of a penguin
population at Phillip Island, Australia. Australian Journal of Zoology 53,
111-115. [SCI]
Lo, Y.-L., Yu, J.-C., Chen, S.-T., Yang, H.-C., Fann, C. S. J., Mau, Y.-C. and Shen, C.-Y.CA (2005/06).
Breast cancer risk associated with genotypic polymorphism of the
mitosis-regulating gene, Aurora-A/STK15/BTAK. International Journal of Cancer
115, 276-283. [SCI]
Yang, H.-C., Chang, C.-C.,
Lin, C.-Y., Chen, C.-L., Lin, C.-Y. and Fann, C. S. J.CA (2005/12). A
genome-wide scanning and fine mapping study of COGA data. BMC Genetics 6,
S30. [SCI]
Yang, H.-C.CA
and Chao, A. (2005/12). Modeling animals’ behavioral response by Markov
chain models for capture-recapture experiments. Biometrics 61,
1010-1017. [SCI]
Yang, H.-C., Pan, C.-C., Lin, C.-Y. and Fann, C. S. J.CA
(2006/04). PDA: Pooled DNA analyzer. BMC Bioinformatics 7,
233. [SCI]
Yang, H.-C., Lin, C.-H., Hung, S.-I. and Fann,
C. S. J.CA (2006/05). A
comparison of individual genotyping and pooled DNA analysis for
polymorphism validation prior to large-scale genetic studies. Annals of Human Genetics 70, 350-359. [SCI]
Yang, H.-C., Lin, C.-H., Hsu,
C.-L., Hung, S.-I., Wu, J.-Y., Pan, W.-H., Chen, Y.-T. and Fann, C. S. J.CA (2006/07). A comparison of major histocompatibility
complex SNPs in Han Chinese residing in Taiwan and Caucasians. Journal of Biomedical Science 13, 489-498. [SCI]
Yang, H.-C., Liang, Y.-J., Huang, M.-C., Li, L.-H., Lin, C.-H.,
Wu, J.-Y., Chen, Y.-T. and Fann, C. S. J.CA (2006/08). A genome-wide study of preferential amplification/hybridization in
microarray-based pooled DNA experiments. Nucleic Acids Research
34, e106. [SCI]
Yang, H.-C., Lin, C.-Y. and Fann, C. S. J.CA (2006/09). A
sliding-window weighted linkage disequilibrium test. Genetic Epidemiology 30, 531-545. [SCI]
R.-Y., Chung,
C.-M., Fann, C.S.J.,
Yang, H.-C.,
Chen, J.-W.,
Jong, Y.-S.,
Y.-S., Lo,
H.-M., Ho,
F.-M., Kang,
C.-S., Chen,
C.-C., Chang,
H.-C., Shyue, S.-K. and
Pan, W.-H.CA
(2007/09). Genome-wide scan for quantitative ACE activity in Taiwan
young-onset hypertension study.
Heredity 65, 85-90.
Yang, H.-C.CA,
Huang, M.-C., Li, L.-H., Lin, C.-H., Yu, L. T., Diccianni,
M. B., Wu, J.-Y., Chen, Y.-T. and Fann, C. S. J.CA
(2008/04). MPDA: microarray-based pooled DNA analyzer. BMC
9, 196. [SCI]
Lian, I.-B., Lin,
Y.-H., Lin, Y.-C., Yang, H.-C., Chang, C.-J. and Fann,
C. S. J.CA (2008/05). Using the longest
significance run to estimate region-specific p-values in genetic
association mapping studies. BMC Bioinformatics 9,
246. [SCI]
Yang, H.-C.CA,
Hsieh, H.-Y. and Fann, C. S. J. (2008/06). KBAT: Kernel-based
association test. Genetics 179, 1057-1068. [SCI]
Zhang, H., Yang, H.-C.
and Yang Y.CA (2008/06). PoooL:
An efficient method for estimating haplotypes from large DNA pools. Bioinformatics
24, 1942-1948. [SCI]
Huggins, R., Li,
L.-H., Lin, Y.-C., Yu, A.L.T. and Yang, H.-C.CA
(2008/12). Nonparametric estimation of LOH using Affymetrix SNP genotyping
arrays for unpaired samples. Journal of Human Genetics 53, 983-990. [SCI]
Yang, H.-C., Liang, Y.-J., Wu, Y.-L., Chung,
C.-M., Chiang, K.-M., Ho, H.-Y., Ting, C.-T., Lin, T.-H., Sheu, S.-H., Tsai, W.-C., Chen, J.-H., Leu, H.-B., Yin,
W.-H., Chiu, T.-Y., Chen, C.-I., Fann, C.S.J.,
Wu, J.-Y., Lin, T.-N., Lin, S.-J, Chen, Y.-T., Chen, J.-W.CA
and Pan, W.-H.CA (2009/05). Genome-wide association
study of young-onset hypertension in the Han Chinese population of Taiwan. PLoS ONE 4,
e5459. [SCI]
Yang, H.-C.CA,
Liang, Y.-J., Chung, C.-M., Chen, J.-W. and Pan, W.-H. (2009/12).
Genome-wide gene-based association study. BMC Proceedings 3, S135. [PubMed]
Chiu, Y.-F.CA, Kao, H.-Y., Chen, Y.-S.,
Hsu, F.-C. and Yang, H.-C. (2009/12). Assessment of gene-covariate interactions
by incorporating covariates into association mapping. BMC Proceedings 3, S85. [PubMed]
Yang, H.-C.CA, Lin, H.-C., Huang, M.-C.,
Li, L.-H., Pan, W.-H., Wu, J.-Y. and Chen, Y.-T. (2010/07). A new analysis
tool for individual-level allele frequency for genomic studies. BMC Genomics 11, 415. [SCI]
Yang, H.-C.CA, Lin, H.-C., Kang, M.,
Chen, C.-H., Lin, C.-W., Li, L.-H., Wu, J.-Y., Chen, Y.-T. and Pan, W.-H.
(2011/04). SAQC: SNP array
quality control. BMC
Bioinformatics 12, 100. [SCI]
Yang, H.-C.CA, Chang, L.-C., Huggins,
R. M., Chen, C.-H. and Mullighan, C. G.
(2011/05). LOHAS: Loss-of-heterozygosity analysis suite. Genetic Epidemiology 35, 247-260. [SCI]
Chung C.-M.,
Lin, T.-H., Chen, J.-W., Leu, H.-B., Yang, H.-C., Ho, H.-Y., Ting, C.-T., Sheu, S.-H., Tsai, W.-C., Chen, J.-H., Lin, S.-J.,
Chen, Y.-T. and Pan, W.-H.CA (2011/09). A genome-wide association study
reveals a quantitative trait locus of adiponectin on CDH13 that predicts cardiometabolic outcomes. Diabetes
60, 2417-2423. [SCI]
Yang, H.-C.CA and Chen, C.-W.
(2011/11). Region-based and pathway-based QTL mapping using a p-value
combination method. BMC Proceedings 5,
S43. [PubMed]
Yang, H.-C., Liang, Y.-J,
Chen, J.-W., Chiang, K.-M., Chung, C.-M., Ho, H.-Y., Ting, C.-T., Lin,
T.-H., Sheu, S.-H., Tsai, W.-C., Chen, J.-H.,
Leu, H.-B., Yin, W.-H., Chiu, T.-Y., Chern,
C.-I., Lin, S.-J., Tomlinson, B., Guo, Y., Sham, P. C., Cherny
S. S., Lam, T. H., Thomas, G. N. and Pan, W.-H.CA (2012/03). Identification
of IGF1, SLC4A4, WWOX and SFMBT1 as hypertension
susceptibility genes in Han Chinese population with a genome-wide
gene-based association study. PLoS ONE 7,
e32907. [SCI]
Lee, S.-C.,
Yang, Y.-H., Chuang, S.-Y., Liu, S.-C., Yang, H.-C. and Pan, W.-H.CA
(2012/03). Risk of asthma associated with energy-dense but nutrient-poor
dietary pattern in Taiwanese children. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 21, 73-81. [SCI]
Yang, H.-C.CA, Chang, L.-C., Liang,
Y.-J., Lin, C.-H. and Wang, P.-L. (2012/04). A genome-wide homozygosity
association study identifies runs of homozygosity associated with
rheumatoid arthritis in the human Major Histocompatibility Complex. PLoS ONE 7,
e34840. [SCI]
Yang, H.-C.CA, Wang, P.-L., Lin, C.-W.,
Chen, C.-H. and Chen, C.-H. (2012/07). Integrative analysis of single
nucleotide polymorphisms and gene expression efficiently distinguishes
samples from closely related ethnic populations. BMC Genomics 13, 346. [SCI]
C.-M., Wang, R.-Y., Fann, C.S.J., Chen, J.-W.,
Jong, Y.-S., Jou, Y.-S., Yang,
Kang, C.-S., Chen, C.-C.,
Chang, H.-C. and Pan, W.-H.CA (2013/03). Fine-mapping angiotensin-converting enzyme
gene: separate QTLs identified for hypertension and for ACE activity. PLoS ONE 8, e56119. [SCI]
Yang, H.-C.EC, Liu, C.-M.EC,
Liu, Y.-L., Chen, C.-W., Chang, C. C., Fann, C.
S. J., Chiou, J.-J., Yang, Y.-C., Chen, C.-H., Faraone, S. V., Tsuang, M. T.
and Hwu, H.-G.CA (2013/03). DAO gene plays an important role on
genetic association and interaction to schizophrenia in the Taiwan Han Chinese
population. PLoS ONE 8, e60099.
Lai, C.-H., Chu, N.-F., Chang, C.-W., Wang, S.-L., Yang, H.-C., Chu, C.-M.CA,
Chang, C.-T., Lin, M.-H., Chien, W.-C., Su, S.-L., Chou, Y.-C., Chen, K.-H., Wang, W.-M. and Liou, S.-H. (2013/12). Androgenic alopecia is
associated with less dietary soy, higher blood vanadium and rs11603121
polymorphism in Taiwanese communities. PLoS ONE
8, e79789. [SCI]
Yang, H.-C.CA,
Lin, C.-W., Chen, C.-W. and Chen, J. J. (2014/04).
Applying genome-wide gene-based expression quantitative trait locus mapping
to study population ancestry and pharmacogenetics. BMC Genomics 15, 319. [SCI]
Chiang, K.-M., Yang, H.-C., Chen, J.-W., Hwang, S.-M., Ho,
H.-Y., Ting, C.-T., Lin, T.-H., Sheu, S.-H.,
Tsai, W.-C., Chen, J.-H., Leu, H.-B., Yin, W.-H., Chiu, T.-Y., Chen, C.-I.,
Lin, S.-J., Thomas, N. G., Tomlinson, B., Cherny,
S., Gui, H. S., Sham, P. C., Lam, T. H. and Pan,
W.-H.CA (2014/06). A three-stage
genome-wide association study combining multilocus
test and gene expression analysis for young-onset hypertension on Taiwan
Han Chinese. American
Journal of Hypertension 27,
819-827. [SCI]
Leu, H.-B., Chung, C.-M., Lin, S.-J., Lu, T.-M., Yang, H.-C.,
Ho, H.-Y., Ting, C.-T., Lin, T.-H., Sheu, S.-H.,
Tsai, W.-C., Chen, J.-H., Yin, W.-H., Chiu, T.-Y., Chen, C.-I., Pan, W.-H.
and Chen, J.-W. (2014/06). A novel SNP associated with nighttime pulse
pressure in young-onset hypertension factor for cardiovascular events in a
general cohort in Taiwan. PLoS ONE
9, e97919. [SCI]
Yang, H.-C.CA and Li, H.-W. (2014/06).
Analysis of homozygosity disequilibrium using whole-genome sequencing data.
BMC Proceedings 8,
S15. [PubMed]
Leu, H.-B., Chung, C.-M., Lin,
S.-J., Chiang, K.-M., Yang, H.-C., Ho, H.-Y., Ting, C.-T., Lin,
T.-H., Sheu, S.-H., Tsai, W.-C., Chen, J.-H., Yin, W.-H., Chiu, T.-Y.,
Chen, C.-I., Fann, C. S. J., Chen, Y.-T., Pan, W.-H. and Chen, J.-W.CA (2015/02). Association of circadian genes with
diurnal blood pressure changes and non-dipper essential hypertension: a
genetic association with young-onset hypertension. Hypertension
Research 38,
155-162. [SCI]
Konig, I. R.CA,
Auerbach, J., Gola, D., Held, E., Holzinger, E.
R., Legault, M-A, Sun, R. Tintle, N. and Yang, H.-C. (2016/02). Machine learning and data
mining in complex genomic data – a review on the lessons learned in Genetic
Analysis Workshop 19. BMC Genetics 17, S2. [SCI]
Huang, M.-C., Chuang, T.-P., Chen,
C.-H., Wu, J.-Y., Chen, Y.-T., Li, L.-H.CA and Yang, H.-C.CA (2016/03). An integrated
analysis tool for hybridization intensities and genotypes using
new-generation population-optimized human arrays. BMC Genomics 17, 266. [SCI]
Yang, H.-C., Chu, S.-K., Kuo, H.-W., Wang, S.-C., Liu, S.-W.,
Ho, I.-K. and Liu, Y.-L.CA (2016/03).
Genome-wide pharmacogenomic study on methadone maintenance treatment
identifies SNP rs17180299 and multiple haplotypes on CYP2B6, SPON1, and GSG1L associated with plasma
concentrations of methadone R-
and S-enantiomers in
heroin-dependent patients. PLoS Genetics 12, e1005910.
[SCI] (https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1005910)
Liang, Y.-J., Lin, Y.-T., Chen,
C.-W., Lin, C.-W., Chao, K.-M.EC,
Pan, W.-H.EC and Yang, H.-C.CA, EC (2016/06). SMART:
Statistical Metabolomics Analysis - An R Tool. Analytical Chemistry 88, 6334-6341. [SCI] (https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.analchem.6b00603)
Chen, S.-J, Lia, D.-L., Shen, T.-W., Yang, H.-C., Chen, K.-C. and Chen,
C.-H.CA (2016/08). Genetic signatures of heroin addiction. Medicine 95, e4473.
Yang, H.-C.CA and Lin, Y.-T. (2016/11).
Homozygosity disequilibrium and its gene regulation. BMC Proceedings 10,
27. [PubMed] (http://rdcu.be/mHtp)
Chang, H.-C., Chang, H.-Y., Yang, H.-C.,
Yeh, C.-J. and Pan, W.-H.CA (2017/01).
Morbid obesity in Taiwan: Prevalence, trends, associated social
demographics, and lifestyle factors. PLoS ONE 12, e01697557. [SCI]
H.-W., Shih, C.-L., Tsung, J.-H., Liu, S.-W., Chu, S.-K., Yang, H.-C., Tsou, H.-H., Wang,
Z.-H., Chen, Andrew, C. H. and Liu, Y.-L.CA (2017/03).
Pharmacogenomics study on cadherin 2 network with regard to HIV infection
and methadone treatment outcome. PLoS ONE 12, e0174647. [SCI]
Yang, H.-C., Chen, I.-C., Tsay, Y.-C., Li, Z.-R., Chen, C.-H.,
Hwu, H.-G. and Chen, C.-H.CA (2017/04). Using
an event-history with risk-free model to study the genetics of alcoholism. Scientific
Reports 7,
1975. [SCI] (http://rdcu.be/r18K)
Chu, S.-K. and Yang, H.-C.CA (2017/11). Interethnic DNA
methylation difference and its implications in pharmacoepigenetics. Epigenomics 9, 1437-1454. [SCI] (https://doi.org/10.2217/epi-2017-0046)
Chiang, K.-M., Yang, H.-C.
and Pan, W.-H.CA (2018/01). A two-stage whole-genome gene expression
association study of young-onset hypertension in Han Chinese population of
Taiwan. Scientific Reports 8,
1800. [SCI]
Wang, P.-S., Kuo,
C.-H., Yang, H.-C.,
Liang, Y.-J., Huang, C.-J., Sheen, L.-Y.CA and Pan, W.-H.CA (2018/05). Postprandial
metabolomics response to various cooking oils in humans. Journal of
Agricultural and Food Chemistry 66, 4977-4984. [SCI]
Yang, H.-C.CA and Chen, C.-W. (2018/09).
Homozygosity disequilibrium associated with treatment response and its
methylation regulation. BMC Proceedings 12,
45. [PubMed] (https://rdcu.be/6Z4m)
Lynn, K.-S.,
Cheng, M.-L., Yang, H.-C., Liang, Y.-J., Kang, M.-J.,
Chen, F.-L., Shiao, M.-S. and Pan, W.-H.CA (2018/12). Vegetable signature derived from human urinary metabolomic
data in controlled feeding studies. Journal of Proteome Research (DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.8b00470).
Chen, C.-W. and Yang, H.-C.CA (2019/01). OPATs: Omnibus
p-value association tests. Briefings in Bioinformatics 20, 1-14. [SCI] (https://doi.org/10.1093/bib/bbx068)
Apaya, M. K., Shiau, J.-Y., Liao,
G.-S., Liang, Y.-J., Chen, C.-W., Yang, H.-C., Chu, C.-H., Yu, J.-C.CA and Shyur,
L.-F.CA (2019/05). Integrated
omics-based pathway analyses uncover CYP epoxygenase-associated
networks as theranostic targets for metastatic
triple negative breast cancer. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research
38, 187. [SCI]
K.-M., Tsay, Y.-C., Ng, T.-C. V., Yang, H.-C.,
Huang, Y.-T., Chen, C.-H.CA and Pan, W.-H.CA (2019/08). Is hyperuricemia, an early-onset
metabolic disorder, causally associated with cardiovascular disease events
in Han Chinese? Journal of Clinical Medicine (doi:10.3390/jcm8081202). [SCI]
Biradar, M. I., Chiang, K. M., Yang, H.-C., Huang, Y. T. and Pan, W.-P.CA (2019/11) The causal role of
elevated uric acid and waist circumference on the risk of metabolic
syndrome components. International Journal of Obesity 44, 865-874. [SCI]
K.-M., Chang, H.-C., Yang, H.-C., Chen, C.-H., Chen, H.-H., Lee, W.-J. and Pan, W.-H.CA (2019/11). Genome-wide association study of morbid
obesity in Han-Chinese. BMC Genetics 20, 97. [SCI]
Yang, H.-C.CA, Chen, C.-h., Wang, J.-H., Liao,
H.-C., Yang, C.-T., Chen, C.-W., Lin, Y.-C., Kao, C.-H., Lu, M.-Y. J. and
Liao, J. C.CA (2020/12). Analysis of genomic
distributions of SARS-CoV-2 reveals a dominant strain type with strong
allelic associations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the
United States of America 117, 48. [SCI] (https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2007840117)
Yang, H.-C.CA, Chen, C.-W., Lin, Y.-T. and
Chu, S.-K. (2021/02). Genetic ancestry plays a central role in population pharmacogenomics. Communications
Biology 4, 171. [SCI]
C.-Y.CA, Wang R.-H. and Yang, H.-C. (2021/04). Family-based gene-environment
interaction using sequence kernel association test (FGE-SKAT) for complex
quantitative traits. Scientific Reports 11, 7431.
Chiang, K.-M., Chen, J.-F., Yang,
C.-A., Xiu, L., Yang, H.-C., Shyur, L.F. and Pan, W.-H.CA
(2022/05). Identification of serum oxylipins
associated with the development of coronary artery disease: A nested
case-control study. Metabolites 12, 495. [SCI]
Y.-C., Liang, Y.-J. and Yang, H.-C.CA (2022/07). Evaluating statistical
significance in a meta-analysis by using numerical integration. Computational
and Structural Biotechnology Journal 20, 3615–3620.
[SCI] (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csbj.2022.06.055)
Yang, H.-C.CA, Wang, J.-H., Yang, C.-T.,
Lin, Y.-C., Chen, P.-W., Liao, H.-C., Chen, C.-h. and Liao, J. C.CA (2022/09). Subtyping of major
SARS-CoV-2 variants reveals different transmission dynamics based on 10
million genomes. PNAS Nexus 1, pgac181. (https://doi.org/10.1093/pnasnexus/pgac181)
Y.-J.EC, Chiang, K.-M.EC, Xiu,
L.-L., Chung, C.-M., Shiao, M.-S., Cheng, M.-L., Kuo, C.-C., Yang, H.-C.CA and Pan, W.-H.CA (2022/11). Pharmacometabolomic
study of drug response to antihypertensive medications for hypertension
marker identification in Han Chinese individuals in Taiwan. Computational
and Structural Biotechnology Journal 20, 6458–6466. [SCI] (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csbj.2022.11.030).
Huang, Y.-J., Chu, Y.-C., Chen,
C.-W., Yang, H.-C., Huang,
H.-L., Hwang, J.-S., Chen, C.-h. and Chan, T.-C.CA (2022/12). Relationship
among genetic variants, obesity traits, and asthma in the Taiwan Biobank. BMJ Open
Respiratory Research 9, e001355. [SCI]
Timoteo, V. J.,
Chiang, K.-M., Yang, H.-C. and Wen-Harn
PanCA (2023/01).
Common and ethnic-specific genetic determinants of hemoglobin concentration
between Taiwanese Han Chinese and European whites: Findings from
comparative two-stage genome-wide association studies. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry
111, 109126. [SCI]
Huang, H.-L., Huang, Y.-J., Chu,
Y.-C., Chen, C.-W., Yang, H.-C.,
Hwang, J.-S., Chen, C.-h. and Chan, T.-C.CA (2023/01). Exploring
factors underlying poorly-controlled asthma in adults by integrating
phenotypes and genotypes associated with obesity and asthma: A case-control
study. Journal of Asthma
and Allergy
16, 135-147. [SCI]
Tsai, P.-H.,
Sun, J.-R., Chien Y., Chan, M. S., Khor, W., Yang, H.-C., Huang, C.-H., Hsiung, C.-N., Hwa, T.-Y.,
Lin, Y.-Y., Yeh, C.-L., Wang, M.-L., Yang, Y.-P., Chen, Y.-M., Tsai, F.-T.,
Lee, M.-S., Cheng, Y.-H., Tsai, S.-K., Liu, P.-C., Chou, S.-J.CA and Chiou, S.-H.CA (2023/08). Modifications
of Lipid Pathways Restrict SARS-CoV-2 Propagation in Human Induced
Pluripotent Stem Cell-derived 3D Airway Organoids. Journal of Advanced Research. S2090-1232(23)00209-6.
Y.-W., Yang, H.-C., Chen, Y.-H. and Guo, C.-Y.CA (2024/01). Generalized estimating equations
boosting (GEEB) machine for correlated data. Journal of Big Data 11, 20. [SCI]
Yen, T.-J.CA, Yang, C.-T., Lee, Y.-J., Chen, C.-h. and Yang, H.-C. (2024/03). Fatty liver classification via
risk controlled neural networks trained on grouped ultrasound image data. Scientific Reports 14, 7345. [SCI]
Huang, Y.-J., Chen, C.-h. and Yang, H.-C.CA (2024/05). AI-enhanced integration of genetic
and medical imaging data for risk assessment of type 2 diabetes. Nature
Communications 15, 4230. [SCI] (https://rdcu.be/dIiU4)
- Book Chapters
Chao, A.CA, Yang, H.-C. and
Yip, P. S. F. (2003). The use of capture-recapture methodology in
epidemiological surveillance. pp. 711-739 in
Y. Lu and J.-Q. Fang (Ed.),
Advanced Medical Statistics. World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore.
Yang, H.-C. and Fann, C. S. J.CA (2007).
Association mapping using pooled DNA. pp. 161-175 in A. R. Collins (Ed.), Linkage Disequilibrium and Association Mapping, The Humana Press Inc., USA.
Chao, A.CA,
Hsieh T. C. and Yang, H.-C. (2015). The use of
capture-recapture methodology in epidemiological surveillance and
ecological surveys. pp. 425-467 in Y. Lu, J.-Q. Fang, L. Tian and H. Jin (Ed.), Advanced Medical Statistics. 2nd Edition.
World Scientific Publishing Company,
- Scientific
Geffers, J.,
Beaudry, C., Yang, H.-C., Huang, F., Phanraksa, O., Dominik, M., Lin, Y.-C., Huang, M.-C.,
Komai, S., Lorimer, K., Piyawattanametha, W., Saengchantr, P., Saleh, H., Tagg,
B. and Veerakumarasivam, A. (2017/01). Global State
of Young Scientists (GloSYS) in ASEAN –
Creativity and Innovation of Young Scientists in ASEAN. Editor: Global Young Academy. Halle, Germany (ISBN:
Yang, H.-C.CA,
Chen, C.-h., Wang, J.-H., Liao, H.-C., Yang, C.-T., Chen, C.-W., Lin,
Y.-C., Kao, C.-H. and Liao, J. C.CA (2020/04).
Genomic, geographic and temporal distributions of SARS-CoV-2 mutations. bioRxiv
(doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.04.22.055863)
Yang, H.-C.CA,
Wang, J.-H., Yang, C.-T., Lin, Y.-C., Chen, P.-W., Liao, H.-C., Chen, C.-h.
and Liao, J. C.CA (2022/04). Subtyping of major
SARS-CoV-2 variants reveals different transmission dynamics. bioRxiv
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