Research Interests
Mathematical Finance
Multivariate Data
Sampling-based Inference
Stochastic Differential
Equation Modeling
Stochastic Processes
Time Series Analysis
Professional Experience
Journal Articles
- Tsai, H. and Nikitin, A.V. (2024). Threshold Models for Lévy Processes and Approximate Maximum
Likelihood Estimation. Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 60, 261-267.
- Rachinger, H., Lin, E.M.H., and Tsai, H. A bootstrap test for
threshold effects in a diffusion process. Computational Statistics, in press.
- Das, M.K., Tsai, H. Kyriakou, I., and Fusai, G. (2022). On mtrix eponential dfferentiation
with aplication to wighted sm dstributions. Operation Research, 70 (4), 1984-1995.
- Ho, H.-C., Chen, H.-Y., and Tsai, H.
(2021). Non-parametric estimation of conditional tail expectation for
long-horizon returns. Statistica Sinica, 31, 547-569.
- Yu, T.-H., Tsai, H., and Rachinger, H. (2020). Approximate maximum
likelihood estimation of a threshold diffusion process, Computational Statistics and Data
Analysis, 106823.
- Tsai, H., Rachinger, H., and Chan, K.S. (2018). Inference
of bivariate long-memory aggregate time series, Statistica Sinica,
28, 399-421.
- Tsai, H., Tsay,
R.S., Lin, E.M.H., and Cheng, C.-W. (2016). Doubly constrained factor models with
applications, Statistica Sinica,
26, 1453-1478.
- Ho, H.-C., Chen, H.-Y., and Tsai, H.
(2016). Value at risk for integrated returns and its applications to
equity portfolios, Statistica Sinica, 26, 1631-1648.
- Tsai, H., Rachinger,
H., and Lin, E.M.H. (2015). Inference of seasonal long-memory time
series with measurement error. Scandinavian
Journal of Statistics, 42, 137-154.
- Cheng, T. L. and Tsai, H. (2014). On
the ruin time for risk reserve processes when the claims have infinite
expectation. Journal of the
Chinese Statistical Association, 52, 435-448.
- Hassler, U. and Tsai, H. (2013).
Asymptotic behavior of temporal aggregates in the frequency domain. Journal
of Time Series Econometrics, 5, 47-60.
- Chan, K.S. and Tsai, H. (2012).
Inference of seasonal long-memory aggregate time series. Bernoulli,
- Tsai, H., Chan, K.S., and Fayard, P. (2011). Testing for measurement errors
with discrete-time data sampled from a CARMA model. Statistics and
Its Interface, 4, 235-242.
- Tsai, H. and Tsay,
R.S. (2010). Constrained factor models. Journal
of the American Statistical Association, 105, 1593-1605.
- Hsu, N.-J. and
Tsai, H. (2009). Semiparametric estimation for seasonal long-memory
time series using generalized exponential models. Journal of
Statistical Planning and Inference, 139, 1992-2009.
- Tsai, H. and Chan, K.S. (2009). A
note on the non-negativity of continuous-time ARMA and GARCH processes.Statistics and Computing,
19, 149-153.
- Tsai, H. (2009). On continuous-time
autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average processes. Bernoulli,
- Tsai, H. and Chan, K.S. (2008). A
note on inequality constraints in the GARCH Model. Econometric Theory ,
24, 823-828.
- Tsai, H. and Chan, K.S. (2007). A
note on non-negative ARMA processes. Journal of Time Series
Analysis, 28, 350-360.
- Tsai, H. (2006). Quasi-maximum
likelihood estimation of long-memory limiting aggregate
processes. Statistica Sinica, 16, 213-226.
- Tsai, H. and Chan, K.S. (2005).
Maximum likelihood estimation of linear continuous time long memory
processes with discrete time data. Journal of the Royal Statistical
Society, Series B, 67, 703-716.
- Tsai, H. and Chan, K.S. (2005). A
note on non-negative continuous time processes. Journal of the
Royal Statistical Society, Series B ,
67, 589-597.
- Tsai, H. and Chan, K.S. (2005).
Temporal aggregation of stationary and nonstationary discrete-time
processes. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 26, 613-624.
- Tsai, H. and Chan, K.S. (2005).
Temporal aggregation of stationary and non-stationary continuous-time
processes. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 32, 583-597.
- Tsai, H. and Chan, K.S. (2005).
Quasi-maximum likelihood estimation for a class of continuous-time
long-memory processes. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 26, 691-713.
- Tsai, H. and Chan, K.S. (2003). A
note on parameter differentiation of matrix exponentials, with
applications to continuous-time modeling. Bernoulli, 9, 895-919.
- Tsai, H. and Chan, K.S. (2002). A
note on testing for nonlinearity with partially observed time series. Biometrika, 89, 245-50.
- Tsai, H. and Chan, K.S. (2000).
Testing for nonlinearity with partially observed time series. Biometrika, 87,
- Tsai, H. and Chan, K.S. (2000). A
note on the covariance structure of a continuous-time ARMA process. Statistica Sinica, 10, 989-998.
Book Chapters / Technical Reports / Unpublished
1. Tsai, H., Ho, H.-C., and Chen,
H.-Y. (2020). Non-parametric inference on risk measures
for integrated returns. In Handbook
of Financial Economics, Mathematics, Statistics, and Machine Learning, 2020,
ed. By C.-F. Lee and J. C. Lee, World Scientific, Singapore, 2485-2497.
2. Su, Y.-H. and Tsai, H. (2019). Detection of differential item
functioning via the credible intervals and odds ratios methods. In Quantitative Psychology – The
83th Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Zurich, Switzerland, 2017,
ed. By M. Wiberg, S. Culpepper, R. Janssen, J.
González, & D. Molenaar, Springer
International Publishing, Switzerland, 319-330.
3. Su, Y.-H., Chang, J., and Tsai, H.
(2018). Using credible intervals to detect differential item
functioning in IRT models. In Quantitative
Psychology – The 82th Annual Meeting of the Psychometric
Society, Zurich, Switzerland, 2017, ed. By M. Wiberg,
S. Culpepper, R. Janssen, J. González, & D. Molenaar,
Springer International Publishing,
Switzerland, 297-304.
J., Tsai, H., Su, Y.-H., and Lin, E.M.H. (2016). A three-parameter speeded item response
model : estimation and application. In Quantitative Psychology Research – The 80th Annual Meeting of the
Psychometric Society, Beijing, 2015, ed. By L.A. van der Ark, D.M.
Bolt, W.-C.
Wang, and J.A. Douglas, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 27-38.
5. Tsai, H. and Chan,
K.S. (2000). Comparison of two discretization methods for estimating
continuous-time autoregressive models, in Statistics and Finance: An Inferface, 68-85. W.-S.
Chan, W. K. Li and H. Tong
eds. London: Imperial College Press.
6. Tsai, H. and
Chan, K.S. (1999). A new EM method for estimating continuous-time autoregressive
models. Technical Report No 285, Department of Statistics & Actuarial
Science, The University of Iowa.