Research Staff

Wei-chung Liu

Institute of Statistical Science Academia Sinica
Taipei 11529, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: 886-2-27875667


Research Interests

  • Ecology, mathematical biology, network science



1998 - 2002

PhD,Biological Sciences, Imperial College London, U.K



Professional Experience

2003 - 2005

Postdoc, Epigroup, Centre for Tropical veterinary Medicine, University of Edinburgh

2005 - 2007

Academia Sinica Postdoc Fellow, Institute of Biomedical sciences, Academia Sinica

2007 – 2015




Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Statistical Sciences, Academia Sinica


Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Statistical Sciences, Academia Sinica




Sait S.M., Liu W.C., Thompson D.J., Godfray H.C. and Begon M. 2000. Invasion sequence affects predator-prey dynamics in a multi-species interaction. Nature 405, 448-450.

Jordan F., Liu, W.C. and van Veen F.J.F. 2003 Quantifying the importance of species and their interactions in a host-parasitoid community. Community Ecology 4, 79-88.

Davis A.J., Liu W.C., Perner J. and Voigt W. 2004. Reliability characteristics of natural functional group interaction webs. Evolutionary Ecology Research 6, 1145-1166.

Liu, W.C., Jenkins C., Shaw D.J., Matthews L, Pearce M.C., Low J.C., Gunn G.J., Smith H.R., Frankel G. and Woolhouse M.E.J. 2005. Modelling the epidemiology of Verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli serogroups in young calves. Epidemiology and Infection. 133, 449-458.

Odiit M., Coleman P.G., Liu W.C., McDermott J.J., Fevre E.M., Welburn S.C. and Woolhouse M.E.J. 2005. Quantifying the level of under-detection of Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense sleeping sickness cases. Tropical Medicine & International Health. 10, 840-849.

Jordan F., Liu W.C. and Wyatt T. 2005. Topological Constraints on the dynamics of wasp-waist ecosystems. Journal of Marine Systems. 57, 250-263

Woolhouse M.E.J., Shaw D.J., Matthews L., Liu W.C., Thomas M. and Mellor D.J. 2005. Epidemiological implications of the contact network structure for cattle farms and the 20-80 rule. Biological letters. 1, 350-352.

Jordan F., Liu W.C. and Davis A.J. 2006. Topological keystone species: measures of positional importance in food webs. OIKOS. 112, 535-546.

Liu W.C., Shaw D.J., Matthews L., Hoyle D.V., Pearce M.C., Yates C.M., Low J.C., Amyes S.G.B., Gunn G.J. and Woolhouse M.E.J. 2007. Modelling the epidemiology and characteristic of Verocytotoxin producing Escherichia coli serogroups O26 and O103 in two different calf cohorts. Epidemiology and Infection. 135:1316‐1323.

Liu W.C., Bonsall M.B. and Godfray H.C.J. 2007. The form of host density-dependence and the likelihood of host-pathogen cycles in forest-insect systems. Theoretical Population Biology. 72, 86-95.

Liu W.C., Matthews L., Chase-Topping M., Savill N.J., Shaw D.J. and Woolhouse M.E.J. 2007. Metapopulation dynamics of Escherichia coli O157 in cattle: an exploratory model. Journal of Royal Society Interface. In press.

Liu W.C., Lin W.H., Davis A.J., Jordan F., Yang H.T. and Hwang, M.J. 2007. A network perspective on the topological importance of enzymes and their phylogenetic conservation. BMC Bioinformatics. 8:121.

Xie, Z.R., Yang, H.T., Liu W.C. and Hwang M.J. 2007. The role of microRNA in the delayed negative feedback regulation of gene expression. BBRC 358, 722-726.

Chen, H.W., Liu, W.C., Davis, A.J., Jordan, F., Hwang, M.J. and Shao, K.T. 2008. Network position of hosts in food webs and their parasite diversity. OIKOS 117, 1847-1855.

Jordán, F., Liu, W.C. and Mike, Á. 2009. Trophic field overlap: A new approach to quantify keystone species. Ecological Modelling. In press.

Lin, W.H., Liu, W.C. and Hwang, M.J. 2009. Topological and organizational properties of the products of house-keeping and tissue-specific genes in protein-protein interaction networks. BMC Systems Biology 3:32.

Liu, W.C., Chen, H. W., Jordán F, Lin W.H. and Liu W.J. 2010. Quantifying the interaction structure and the topological importance of species in food webs: a signed digraph approach. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 267:355-362.

Chen HW, Shao KT, Liu CW, Lin WH, Liu WC*. 2011. The reduction of food web robustness by parasitism: fact and artefact. International Journal for Parasitology. 41:627-34. *Corresponding author.

P. Nguyen, W. Liu, F. Jordan. 2011. Inferring pleiotropy by network analysis: linked diseases in the human PPI network,BMC Systems Biology,5:179.

F. Jordan, P. Nguyen, W. Liu. 2012. Studying protein-protein interaction networks: a systems view on diseases. Briefing in Functional Genomics. 11:497-504.

Liu et al. 2012. A fish tank model for assembling food webs. Ecological Modelling. 245:166-175.

Lai S.M., Liu W.C., Jordan F. 2012. On the centrality and uniqueness of species from the network perspective. 8:570-573.

Phoa F.K.H. and Liu W.C. 2013. High-quality winners take more: modeling non-scale-free bulletin forums with content variations. Journal of data science. 11: 559-573.

Chiang A.W., Liu W.C., Charusanti P. and Hwang M.J. 2014 Understanding system dynamics of an adaptive enzyme network from globally profiled kinetic parameters. BMC Systems Biology. 8:4. doi: 10.1186/1752-0509-8-4.

Hung C.M., Shaner P.J.L., Zink R.M., Liu W.C., Chu T.C., Huang W.S., Li S.H. 2014. Drastic population fluctuations explain the rapid extinction of the passenger pigeon. PNAS. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1401526111.

Lai, S.M., Liu W.C., Jordan F.. 2015. A trophic overlap-based measure for species uniqueness in ecological networks, Ecological Modelling, 299:95-101.

Tsai K.N., Lin S.H. Liu W.C. and Wang D. 2015. Inferring microbial interaction network from microbiome data using RMN algorithm. BMC Systems Biology 9:54.DOI 10.1186/s12918-015-0199-2

Cheng S.L., Lin W.H., Phoa F.K.H., Hwang J.S. and Liu W.C. 2015. Analysing the unequal effects of positive and negative information on the behaviour of users of a Taiwanese on-line bulletin board. PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0137842.

Chan W.P., Chen, I.C., Colwell R.K., Liu W.C., Huang C.Y. and Shen S.F. 2016. Seasonal and daily climate variation have opposite effects on species elevational range size. Science, 351:1437-1439.DOI: 10.1126/science.aab4119

Jordán F., Sciarpetti G., Liu W.-C., 2016. Carbon flows and interaction strength in aquatic food web models. Life and environment, 66: 325-331.

Liu W.C., Lai S.M., Chen H.W. 2017. A topological similarity-based bootstrapping method for inferring food web parameters. Ecological Research. DOI 10.1007/s11284-017-1519-3

Chan W.P., Chen I.C., Colwell R.K., Liu W.C., Huang C.Y., Shen S.F. 2018. Response to Qian et al. (2017): Daily and seasonal climate variations are both critical in the evolution of species’ elevational range size. Journal of Biogeography, 45:2832-2836.

Jordán F., Endrédi A., Liu W.-C., D'Alelio D. 2018. Aggregating a plankton food web: mathematical versus biological approaches. Mathematics, 6: 336.

Liu M., Rubenstein D.R., Liu W.C., Shen S.F. 2019. A continuum of biological adaptations to environmental fluctuation. Proc Biol Sci. 286(1912):20191623. doi:10.1098/rspb.2019.1623.

Liu W.C., Huang L.C., Liu C.W.J., Jordán F. 2020. A simple approach for quantifying node centrality in signed and directed social networks. Applied Network Science 5:46.

Liu C.W.J., Liu W.C., Shen S.F. 2021. On the evolution of social ties as an instrumental tool for resource competition in resource patch networks. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 8:78.

Lai S.M., Liu W.C., Chen H.W. 2021. Exploring trophic role similarity and phylogenetic relatedness between species in food webs. Community Ecology 22: 427-440.

Lin W.H., Liu W.C. 2021. Revisiting a trophic overlap-based measure for species uniqueness in ecological networks. Community Ecology 22: 453-458.

Liu W.C., Chen H.W. 2022. Idea Paper: Trophic transmission as a potential mechanism underlying the distribution of parasite diversity in food webs. Ecological Research 37: 485-489.

Lin W.H., Lai S.M., Davis A.J., Liu W.C., Jordán F. 2022. A network-based measure of functional diversity in food webs. Biology Letters 18: 20220183.

Lin W.H., Liu W.C. 2024. Revisiting functional diversity from a network perspective: regular equivalence-based approach. Community Ecology 25: 103-112.

Lin W.H., Davis A.J., Jordán F., Liu W.C. 2024. Applying network analysis to measure functional diversity in food webs. Food Webs 38: e00336.

Lai S.M., Yen T.J., Chang M.Y., Fu Y.C., Liu W.C. 2024. Predicting network members from partial contact records on social media: A machine learning approach. Social Networks 80: 10-24.