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Frederick Kin Hing PhoaInstitute of Statistical Science Academia Sinica Taipei 11529, Taiwan |
Lin, Y.L. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2021). Efficient experimental plans for second-order event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging. Statistica Sinica, 31, 157-171.
Akhtar, Y. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2020). Cost-efficient mixed-level covering designs for testing experiments. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 14, 6.
Phoa, F.K.H. and Tsai, T.C. (2020). A two-step approach to the search of minimum energy designs via swarm intelligence. Advances in Swarm Intelligence, Springer Volume 12145, 37-45.
Hsu, T.C. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2018). A smart initialization on the swarm intelligence based method for efficient search of optimal minimum energy design. Advances in Swarm Intelligence, Springer Volume 10941, 78-87.
Chatterjee, K., Ou, Z., Phoa, F.K.H. and Qin, H. (2017). Uniform four-level designs from two-level designs: a new look. Statistica Sinica, 27, 171-186.
Cheng, C.S., Kao, M.H. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2017). Optimal and efficient designs for functional brain imaging experiments. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 181, 71-80.
Lin, Y.L., Phoa, F.K.H. and Kao, M.H. (2017). Circulant partial Hadamard matrices: construction via general difference sets and its application to fMRI experiments. Statistica Sinica, 27, 1715-1724.
Lin, Y.L., Phoa, F.K.H. and Kao, M.H. (2017). Optimal design of fMRI experiments using circulant (almost-)orthogonal arrays. Annals of Statistics, 45, 2483-2510.
Phoa, F.K.H. (2017). A swarm intelligence based (SIB) method for optimization in designs of experiments. Natural Computing, 16, 597-605.
Liu, H.P., Phoa, F.K.H., Chen-Burger, Y.H. and Lin, S.P. (2024). An Efficient Swarm Intelligence Approach to the Optimization on High-Dimensional Solutions with Cross-Dimensional Constraints with Applications in Supply Chain Management. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 18, 1283974.
Huang, E.C.H. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2023). A uniform placement of alters on spherical surface (U-PASS) for ego-centric networks with community structure and alter attributes. Advances in Complex Systems, 26, 2340003.
Sutrisno, H. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2023). Anomalous subsequence detection in time series: Mathematical formulation and a novel evolutionary algorithm based on clustering and swarm intelligenc. Applied Intelligence, 53, 29585-29603.
Huang, E.C.H. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2023). Uniformly scattering neighboring nodes of an ego-centric network on a spherical surface for better network visualization. Complex Networks and Their Applications XI, SCI Volume 1078, 97-107.
Singh, K., Liu, H.P., Phoa, F.K.H., Lin, S.P. and Chen-Burger, Y.H. (2022). Decentralized supply chain optimization via swarm intelligence. Advances in Swarm Intelligence Springer Volume 13344, 432-441.
Sun, W.H. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2022). Network community detection via an improved swarm intelligence approach Springer Volume 13344, 419-431.
Phoa, F.K.H., Liu, H.P., Chen-Burger, Y.H. and Lin, S.P. (2021). Metaheuristic optimization on tensor-type solution via swarm intelligence and its application in the profit optimization in designing selling scheme. Advances in Swarm Intelligence Springer Volume 12689, 72-82.
Singh, K., Liu, H.P. Phoa, F.K.H. and Chen-Burger, Y.H. (2021). Swarm intelligence optimization algorithms and their applications in a complex layer-egg supply chain. Agents and Multi-agent Systems: Technologies and Applications SIST Volume 241, 39-51.
Yen, P.C. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2021). Traveling salesman problem via swarm intelligence. Advances in Swarm Intelligence Springer Volume 12689, 106-115.
Phoa, F.K.H. and Tsai, T.C. (2020). A two-step approach to the search of minimum energy designs via swarm intelligence. Advances in Swarm Intelligence Springer Volume 12145, 37-45.
Lin, F.P.C. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2019). Runtime estimation and scheduling on parallel processing supercomputers via instance-based learning and swarm intelligence. International Journal of Machine Learning and Computations 9, 592-598.
Hsu, T.C. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2018). A smart initialization on the swarm intelligence based method for efficient search of optimal minimum energy design. Advances in Swarm Intelligence, Springer Volume 10941, 78-87.
Lin, F.P.C. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2017). An efficient construction of confidence regions via swarm intelligence and its application in target localization. IEEE Access, 6, 8610-8618.
Lin, F.P.C. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2017). A performance study of parallel programming via CPU and GPU on swarm intelligence based evolutionary algorithm. Proceedings of ISMSI 2017, 1-5.
Phoa, F.K.H. (2017). A swarm intelligence based (SIB) method for optimization in designs of experiments. Natural Computing, 16, 597-605.
Wang, T.C. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2017). Community detection under exponential random graph model: a metaheuristic approach. Advances in Swarm Intelligence, Springer Volume 10386, 87-98.
Huang, E.C.H. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2023). A uniform placement of alters on spherical surface (U-PASS) for ego-centric networks with community structure and alter attributes. Advances in Complex Systems, 26, 2340003.
Huang, E.C.H. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2023). Uniformly scattering neighboring nodes of an ego-centric network on a spherical surface for better network visualization. Complex Networks and Their Applications XI, SCI Volume 1078, 97-107.
Jung, H., Phoa, F.K.H. and Ashouri, M. (2022). A leading author model for the popularity effect on scientific collaboration. Complex Networks and Their Applications X, SCI Volume 1015, 424-437.
Sun, W.H. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2022). Network community detection via an improved swarm intelligence approach Springer Volume 13344, 419-431.
Jung, H. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2021). On the effects of capability and popularity on network dynamics with applications to Youtube and Twitch networks. Physica A, 571, 125663.
Jung, H. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2021). A mixture model of truncated zeta distributions with applications to scientific collaboration networks. Entropy, 23, 502.
Chang, L.L.N., Phoa, F.K.H. and Nakano, J. (2020). Citations of statistics articles in Web of Science. Proceedings of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 68, 247-264.
Jung, H. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2020). Analysis of a finite mixture of truncated zeta distributions for degree distribution. Complex Networks and Their Applications, SCI Volume 944, 497-502.
Phoa, F.K.H., Lai, H.Y., Chang, L.L.N. and Honda, K. (2020). A two-step deep learning approach to data classification and modeling and a demonstration on subject type relationship analysis in the Web of Science. Scientometrics 125, 851-863.
Wang, T.C. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2020). A generalized framework for detecting social network communities by the scanning method. Complex Networks and Their Applications, SCI Volume 881, 250-261.
Chang, L.L.N., Phoa, F.K.H. and Nakano, J. (2019). A new metric for the analysis of the scientific article citation network. IEEE Access 7, 132027-132032.
Mizukami, Y., Honda, K., Phoa, F.K.H. and Nakano, J. (2019). Quantitatively analyze the capability of the organization: Estimating the capability to induce innovation based on co-author information of articles. Proceedings of ISI WSC 2019 Special Topic Sessions Volume 2, 1-10.
Chang, L.L.N. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2017). A study of the article citation network in statistics research community. Proceedings of DSIR 2017, 134-137.
Lin, Y.L. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2017). Dominating centrality set: a new measure on the network coverage of influential center nodes. Proceedings of DSIR 2017, 138-141.
Wang, T.C. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2017). Community detection under exponential random graph model: a metaheuristic approach. Advances in Swarm Intelligence, Springer Volume 10386, 87-98.
Wang, T.C., Phoa, F.K.H. and Lin, Y.L. (2017). Network exploration by complement graph with graph coloring. Journal of Advanced Statistics, 2, 78-95.
Yang, C.Y., Phoa, F.K.H. and Chiang, Y.S. (2017). A statistical evaluation and modeling on the social transitivity behavior. Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 5, 122-130.
Ashouri, M., Phoa, F.K.H., Chen, C.H. and Shmueli, G. (2023). An interactive clustering-based visualization tool for air quality data analysis. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 23, 230124.
Ashouri, M. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2022). Interactive tool for clustering and forecasting patterns of Taiwan COVID-19 spread. PLoS ONE 17, 0265477.
Weng, P.C.Y. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2021). Perturbation analysis and condition numbers of rational Riccati equations. Annals of Mathematical Sciences and Applications 6, 25-49.
Lukusa, M.T. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2020). A note on the weighting-type estimations of the zero-inflated Poisson regression model with missing data in covariates. Statistics and Probability Letters 158, 108654.
Lukusa, M.T. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2020). A Horvitz-type estimation on incomplete traffic accident data analyzed via a zero-inflated Poisson model. Accident Analysis and Prevention 134, 105235.
Lukusa, M.T. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2020). Semiparametric weighting estimations of a zero-inflated Poisson regression with missing in covariates. Nonparametric Statistics, Springer Volume 339, 329-339.
Weng, P.C.Y. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2020). Perturbation analysis of continuous-time linear time-invariant systems. Advances in Pure Mathematics 10, 155-173.
Weng, P.C.Y. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2018). Calibrating linear continuous-time dynamical systems via perturbation analysis. Filomat, 32, 1909-1915.