Professional Activities

Invited talks given at conferences
- Grace S Shieh*
(2012), "Inferring co-regulation of transcription factors and microRNAs in breast cancer,"
The 23th International Conference on Genome Informatics, Tainan, Taiwan.
- Grace S Shieh*
(2012), "Modeling and Comparing the Organization of Circular Genomes,"
The 6th IEEE International Conference on Systems Biology, Xi'an, China.
- Grace S Shieh*
(2012), "Inferring Co-regulation of Transcription Factors and MicroRNAs in Human Breast Cancer,"
The Second Joint Biostatistics Symposium, Beijing, China.
- Grace S Shieh*
(2011), "Modeling And Comparing the Organization of Circular Genomes,"
International Conference on Mathematical Biology, Bangalore, India.
- Grace S Shieh*
(2011), "Modeling And Comparing the Organization
of Circular Genomes," Invited lecture at the Department of Statistics and
Applied Probability, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
- Grace S Shieh*
(2010), "Patching Puzzles of genetic Networks," Humboldt-Xiaman workshop,
Berlin, Germany.
- Grace S Shieh*
(2009), "A Nonlinear Model and an Optimization algorithm to
Infer Genetic Interaction," The 2nd International Congress on
Image and Signal Processing (CISP 2009) and the 2nd International
Conference on BioMedical Engineering and
Informatics (BMEI 2009), Tianjin, China.
- Grace S Shieh*
(2008), "A Grade Correlation for Paired Circular Data," Workshop
on Directional Statistics, Institute of Statistical
Mathematics, Tokyo,
- Grace S Shieh*
(2008), "A Machine Learning Approach to Infer Genetic
Networks," the 9th International Conference on Systems
Biology, Gothenburg,
- Grace S Shieh*
(2008), "A Pattern Recognition Approach to Infer Time-Lagged
Genetic Interactions,"InCoB2008, Oct, TAIWAN.
- Grace S Shieh*
(2008), "A Bivariate Generalized
von Mises Distribution with Applications
to Circular Genomes," Statistics: theory and practice,
University of Wisconsin-Madison,
- Grace S Shieh*
(2008), "A Machine Learning Approach to Infer Genetic
Networks," Symposium on Cellular Systems Biology 2008,
National Chung Cheng University,
- Grace S Shieh*
(2007), "A Stepwise Structural Equation Modeling Algorithm to
Recon-struct Genetic Networks," Korean
Biometric section Meeting, Seoul, Korea.
- Grace S Shieh*
(2007), "A Regression Approach to Reconstructing Gene
Networks," The 56th session of ISI, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Grace S Shieh*
(2007), "A Pattern Recognition Approach to Infer Genetic
Networks from Microarray Data," International Conference
on Systems Biology/Gene co-expression network workshop, Long Beach, California.
- Grace S Shieh*
(2007), "Application of directional statistics to circular
genomes," Workshop on Directional Statistics, Institute of Statistical
Mathematics, Tokyo, JAPAN.
- Grace S Shieh*
(2006), "A Bivariate Generalized
von Mises Distribution with Applications
to Circular Genomes," Workshop on Directional Statistics,
the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, JAPAN.
- Cheng-Long Chuang, Chung-Ming
Chuang, Grace S. Shieh*
(2006), "A Pattern Recognition Approach to infer Genetic
Networks," Compstat 2006
and 17th Symposium of the IASC, Rome, ITALY.
- Grace S Shieh*,
Chin-Yuan Guo (2006),
"Visualization for Genetic Networks Reconstruction," Compstat 2006 Satellite Conference:
Workshop on Data and Information Visualization, Berlin,
- Grace S. Shieh*,
Ching-Yun Yu, Juiling
Huang, Chung-Ming Chen (2006), "A stepwise Structural
Equation Modeling Algorithm to Predict Genetic Networks," 2006
ICSA Applied Statistics Symposium, University
of Connecticut, Storrs, USA.
- Grace S. Shieh
(2005), "A stepwise Structure Equation Modeling Approach to
Reconstruct Genetic Networks," International Statistics
Conference, Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia.
- C.Y. Yu, C.M. Chen, J. Huang and
Grace S. Shieh* (2005),
"A Covariance Structure Modeling Approach to Reconstruct gene
networks," the 55th session of ISI, Sydney, Australia.
- Grace S. Shieh*,
C.M. Chen, C.Y. Yu and J. Huang (2005), "A stepwise Structure
Equation Modeling Approach to Reconstruct Genetic Networks," 37th
Symposium on the Interface: Computing Science and Statistics, St. Louis, USA.
- Grace S. Shieh*,
Y.C. Jiang, T.F. Wang and Y.C. Hung(2004),
"A Regression Approach to Reconstruct Genetic Networks,"
Taipei International
Symposium on Statistical Genomics, Taipei, TAIWAN.
- Grace S. Shieh
(2004), "Using Bayesian Network to Reconstruct Yeast Genetic
Networks", 36th Symposium on the Interface:
Computing Science and Statistics, Baltimore, USA.
- Grace S. Shieh
(2004), "Reconstructing gene networks by a data-driven
response surface," Cherry Bud Workshop, Yokohama, Japan.
- Grace S. Shieh
(2004), "Tutorials on analysis of microarray data," Bioinformatics
workshop in CCU, Chia Yi, Taiwan.
- Grace S. Shieh
(2004), "A Data-driven Response Surface approach to
reconstruct Gene Networks," Taiwan
Computational Biology Consortium conference, Hsin Chu, Taiwan.
- Grace S. Shieh
(2004), "Mining Information from Microarray Data," Knowledge
Discovery and Data Mining Advanced Technology and Applications,
Chu, Taiwan.

Sessions Organized at conferences
- Organized an invited session on Computational Biology at Humboldt-Xiaman workshop,
July, 2010, Germany.
- Chaired a session on Bioinformatics at the Southern Statistical conference,
July, 2010, Tainan,
- The 2nd International Congress on Image and Signal Processing and the 2nd International
Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics, Oct, 2009 Tianjin, China.
- Attended and survived Cold Spring Harbor's Yeast Genetics & Genomics course,
summer 2009.
- Organized an invited session on Bioinformatics at the Southern Taiwan Statistical
conference, 2009, Kaohsiung,
- Organized an invited session on Bioinformatics at the Southern Taiwan Statistical
conference, 2008, Kaohsiung,
- Organize a Workshop on Inferring
Networks for Disease for ICSB 2008, Gothenburg, Sweden.
- Convened an
session on bioinformatics at the 39th Symposium on the
Interface: Computing Science and Statistics, 2007, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
- Organized an invited paper
session: International Conference on Multiple Decision Theory,
Statistical Inference and Applications, 2007, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Discussant of "When Genomics
Meets Genetics: How To Combine Linkage, Allelic Association, Gene
Expression, And Proteomics Studies To Dissect Complex
Traits." for 56th Session of the International Statistical
Institute, 2007, Lisbon,
- Organize a session on
Bioinformatics: Genetic Networks Prediction for 56th Session of
the International Statistical Institute, 2007, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Organize a session on
Bioinformatics-Inferring Gene Networks and Systems Biology for
2007 Taipei International Statistical Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Convened an
session on bioinformatics at the 38th Symposium on the
Interface: Computing Science and Statistics, 2006, Pasadena, California, USA.
- Organize a session on Gene network
reconstruction for CompStat 2006, Rome, Italy.
- Co-guest Editor of Bioinformatics
special issue of Statistical Methodology.
- On the Program Committee and Organize
a special focus session on Bioinformatics for Interface of Statitics and Computing Science 2006, Anaheim, CA.
- Organized an invited session on
bioinformatics at the International Statistics Conference,2005, Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Organized an invited session on
bioinformatics at the 37th Symposium on the Interface:
Computing Science and Statistics, 2005, St. Louis, USA.
- Organized an invited session on
bioinformatics at the 14th Southern Taiwan Statitical conference, 2005, Tainan,
- Organized an invited session on
bioinformatics at the 13th Southern Taiwan Statitical conference, 2004, Kaohsiung,

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